Illustrated Journal
A more in depth view of my daily life as an artist seen through my phots, sketches, paintings and rambling thoughts while at home and traveling abroad.
This Beta Version of my Illustrated Journal is available to everyone who subscribes between now and January 1st of 2022. I am testing this out to see how well it works and to see if I can continue to journal via a keyboard rather than my preferred method of using a fountain pen on paper. I've committed to this illustrated journal until the turn of the year. At that point I will decide to continue ... or not. All who have subscribed during this Beta testing period will, if you so desire, continue to be subscribed at the beta pricing of $10.50/month or $50 until the end of the year. After January 1st 2022 the monthly cost for those not yet subscribed will be $15.00/month or $160/year.
My journal entries will include the sketches and paintings of the day as well as my rambling thoughts and glimpses of the way I see the world around me through the eyes of my inner artist. My blog posts are very abbreviated versions of what really goes on in my life as an artist. This illustrated journal is a way for me to keep track of the many inspirations I find along the path of each day through my snapshots and sketches.
The photos will be unedited in terms of cropping and exposure. This is meant to be my journal and not a polished publication of images and thoughts though I am offering it to you ... sharing my growth with the intention of encouraging you along your own path as an artist.
I will be posting regularly, most like once or twice a week, adding several days at a time to each weekly grouping. I suggest you check back weekly to catch up on the postings. As long as you are subscribed to the Illustrated Journal, you will be able to access both the current and previous entries, newest at the top and oldest at the bottom.
Thank you for your interest in following my journey.
Chris Carter