Win a Super Small Watercolor Travel Kit!
Feb 21, 2020
Beginning with my newest course on Skillshare that launched earlier this week, each time I publish a new class I'll celebrate by running a contest that anyone, of any age, anywhere in the world, may enter. The drawing for the winner will be presented live on Instagram and Facebook. Apparently, I'll have to use two separate phones to do this ... I'll give it a try. The winner for this first contest will be drawn at 4 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Sunday, March 1, 2020.
The Prize?
The winner will receive a complete, super small watercolor travel kit. The kit includes:
1. One waist belt with two zip pockets
2. One handmade sketchbook (This one is accordion style held to cover with rubber bands so that you can reuse the cover. The cover is made from a piece of a Chris Carter original watercolor and cold-waxed for durability.)
3. One wrist sock
4. One tiny tin watercolor palette with three half-pans and one full pan plus two, round, mixing tins
5. One water brush
6. One 2mm pencil mechanical pencil with extra graphite leads and colored leads
7. One 02 Pigma Micron pen (permanent, archival ink)
8. One Tiny water atomizer
How do you enter the contest?
Step One: Visit my profile page on Skillshare and complete any one of my courses. Currently, there are seven courses. You'll see the courses when you scroll down on the profile page. Make sure to click on "See more" so that the seventh class appears.
Step Two: Create a project, snap a photo of your project and post it to the class project page before noon (Eastern Standard Time) on March 1, 2020.
That's it!
As soon as I receive notice that your project has been posted, I'll write your name on a slip of paper. Before I draw the winner, I will read each name as I add it to the bag so that you'll know your name is in the bag.
Drumroll ...
And then I'll pull a slip of paper from the bag and reveal the name of the winner. The winner will be contacted by email and I'll ask you for your mailing address. Your prize will be shipped as soon as I receive that information.
Pretty easy!
This contest is to celebrate the new course Watercolor Travel Kit: Fits in Your Pocket, but you my qualify to enter by taking any of the seven courses and posting a project for the course. Projects posted prior to today (February 21, 2020) do not qualify for this contest. Only projects posted between February 21, 2020 and March 1, 2020 are accepted.
It's exciting to see your name show up on the paper drawn from the bag. I had never one anything in a "drawing" contest other than a flashlight. I decided to enter a contest to win a STRADA easel several years ago ... and I won!
To enter the contest I had to paint and post a painting created en plein air every day for an entire month. There were only sixty other artists who lasted for the whole month. Five names were pulled out of the bag ... my name was the last to be pulled!
I'll run a new contest each time I publish a new course on either my Skillshare site or here on Explore With Chris Carter.
You might be the winner of this one... give it a try!
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