Sketching in St. Ives, UK - Part One
Feb 14, 2019
Sketching in St. Ives, UK - Part one
Posted: February 14, 2019
As a sneak preview of the techniques I'll be teaching in May of 2019 at Chapel Cottage Studio in Abergavenny. I'm posting examples from my travels in Bristol, London, Abergavenny, Swansea, St. Ives and the little stops between. I'm looking forward to expanding my community of friends and artists during my stay this spring. I'll be traveling to Liverpool and several other new places as well as returning to cities, towns and villages I've visited before.
During my 2018 trip:
My first glimpse of St. Ives was from a small parking lot high above an expansive beach populated with bright swim suits, cabanas, umbrellas and towels. I couldn't resist a quick sketch, using the stone wall as a plein air studio table.
The ink sketch in the upper left corner was done on the train from London to Newport.
Direct watercolour technique is great for quick sketches and for capturing the essence of the scene. The watercolour is applied without any preliminary drawing.
Interested in attending either the drawing and/or the color workshop at Chapel Cottage Studio and Gallery?
Click for info:
Beach at St. Ives, UK
Direct Watercolour - en plein air
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