Sketching in Wales
Mar 15, 2019
March 15, 2019
A week from tomorrow I will board a plane and begin my eight week adventure in Wales and England! This will be the first spring in the UK. I've only explored there in the autumn and I'm looking forward to experiencing the blankets of bluebells that cover the rolling hills and inhaling the fragrance of wild garlic that blooms beside the narrow country roads.
I'm hoping to meet up with artists to sketch together when I'm in London, Liverpool, Abergavenny, St. Ives and Swansea. I'll be posting other locations too when I find myself in a new village or city. Let me know if you're interested.
Here are a few of the sketches I created on previous trips to Wales, mostly in Abergavenny and Swansea. I'll be presenting workshops to the children in the public schools in Swansea in early April as part of the Swansea Learning Festival. I'll also be teaching a drawing workshop and a colour workshop in Abergavenny at Chapel Cottage Studio where I'll be staying for a week in a Shepherd's Hut! the Drawing Class is filled and the colour class has only one, possible two, spots left. If interested, contact Tiz and ask to be placed on the wait list. Her email is: [email protected]
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