New Contest Celebrating Launch of DIY Body Easel Class on Skillshare
Mar 13, 2020
Celebrating the launch of a new class on!
DIY Body Easel for sketching and painting when standing.
The winner will be drawn at 4 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Thursday, March 26, 2020. The drawing will be live on both Instagram and Facebook.
The winner will receive the following accessories for the DIY BODY EASEL and a few more helpful sketching/painting items.
- Wrist Sock
- Empty Ink Vial
- Ink Vial Stand for DIY Body Easel
- Three Business Card Magnetic Strips for DIY Body Easel
- Three extra mixing tins for DIY Body Easel
- One Mini Altoids Palette Tin with three empty half pans, one empty full pan and two round mixing tins for DIY Body Easel
- One Grayscale Value Chart
- One Color Value Chart
- One Color Scheme Game Card
- One Water Atomizer
- One Water Brush
- One waist belt with two zip pockets
- One Color Scheme Game color wheel & one of the twelve templates. (Template for Color Scheme #12 - Semi Triad)
How do you enter the contest?
Step One: Visit my profile page on Skillshare and complete any one of my courses. Currently, there are eight courses. You'll see the courses when you scroll down on the profile page. Make sure to click on "See more" so that all of the classes appear.
Step Two: Create a project, snap a photo of your project and post it to the class project page before noon (Eastern Standard Time) on March 1, 2020.
That's it!
As soon as I receive notice that your project has been posted, I'll write your name on a slip of paper. Before I draw the winner, I will read each name as I add it to the bag so that you'll know your name is in the bag.
Drumroll ...
Then I'll pull a slip of paper from the bag and reveal the name of the winner. The winner will be contacted by email and I'll ask you for your mailing address. Your prize will be shipped as soon as I receive that information.
Pretty easy!
This contest is to celebrate the new course DIY Body Easel, but you my qualify to enter by taking any of my Skillshare courses and posting a project for the course. Projects posted between noon on March Only projects posted between March 5, 2020 and noon on March 26th, 2020 are accepted and each posted project earns one additional entry into this contest.
Saanvi from Dubai is the happy Winner of the last contest. She won the Super Small Watercolor Travel Kit. We know Saanvi and San C. She posted SIX PROJECTS and earned six entries into the last contest. Congratulations Saanvi!
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