Muted Hues
Nov 12, 2018
November 12, 2018
Many years ago a photo was taken of me holding my daughter, Alexis. I'd just gotten out of the shower and Alexis was wearing an undershirt on her head. Upon seeing the photo, my sister-in-law stated that it looked like the cover of a magazine that might be called Bizarre Horizons. And so, Bizarre Horizons was born, if only in my own mind. It became an imaginary magazine for artists, writers, inventors and philosophers. The closest it has ever come to reality is a blog that my brother and I started and have allowed to lie dormant. I'm now using it as a gallery of sorts. This is where I began posting some of my favorite photos that I've taken while traveling and painting. Taking photos as I explore keeps me looking keenly at the world around me and I notice more details and nuances of color.
link: Muted Hues Gallery
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