Late Notice
Jan 30, 2022
January 30, 2022
Such exciting developments have been occurring in the studio that I've lost track of how fast January is flying by. My plan was to give a week's notice of when the online classes on my website will no longer be available to take other than the once or twice a year that I'll be offering them to a limited number of students each time. this applies only to the classes on The mini classes on Skillshare will continue to be available at all times for Premium Members.
For those of you who already have access to my website classes, you will continue to have access to those classes ... AND ... you will have free access to your existing classes the first time it is offered in its new version. The new versions will include live zoom sessions and private discussion groups as well as new lessons and additional resources. Artists will receive feedback from me as well as the other artists in the course within the discussion group. This will provide a richer learning experience for everyone.
In case you've been thinking about taking one of the website courses prior to the scheduled dates of the classes as listed below for 2022, you have today and tomorrow (January 30th and 31st) to register. As of February 1st, all classes will be available on a first come first serve basis for the scheduled dates. Current classes are listed here until Tuesday.
The free videos and classes on the website will continue to be available at all times to unlimited students.
Beginning on Wednesday you will be able to register for the following classes listed below. These are the new, even more comprehensive versions of the current classes. Details of each class will be provided in the descriptions on Wednesday.
2022 Schedule:
Drawing Alternatives (Three Week Online Course) $95 USD
Offered twice in 2022:
May 9 to May 30, 2022
September 19 to October 10, 2022
Pulling the Puddle (Three Week Online Course) $95 USD
Offered twice in 2022:
March 1 to March 22, 2022
August 8 to August 29, 2022
Color Scheme Game (Five Week Online Course) $175 USD
Offered twice in 2022:
May 11 to June 15, 2022
September 13 - October 18, 2022
Creating Dala Art (Five Week Online Course) $225 USD
Offered once in 2022:
August 8 to September 12, 2022
Shape - Part I of Five Basic Elements of Design (Two Week Online Course) $65 USD
Offered twice in 2022:
March 8 to March 22
August 15 to August 29
Mixing Gorgeous Color - Simplified (Four Sessions) $125 USD
Offered once in 2022:
Takes place on four, separate sessions - June 20, 23, 28 and August 3, 2022
I'm excited about the new format of my online classes. I believe you will enjoy the company of artists who are taking the classes at the same time, sharing your successes and your challenges, encouraging one another along the way as we do during live sessions. I love that the new format allows me to interact with all of you more directly through zoom sessions and the private projects and discussion groups that are unique to each session. You will continue to have access to the courses as well as their unique discussion groups so that you may carry on with your mastery and with the connections you make with the artists in your classes.
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