Family Treasures and Series Sketches

color drawing ink and watercolor series art sketchbook watercolor Jul 31, 2019

Being the mother of identical twin daughters, soon to be 35 years old, I am very aware that people learn in different ways.  Alexis (a poet) learned 2 dimensionally.  Nicole (a film maker) learns 3 dimensionally.  Their intelligence is absolutely equal ... they simply learn concepts differently.  Since I am both a 2 dimensional and a 3 dimensional learner I was fascinated by the challenge of teaching them life skills and math skills differently.  I still believe that I was born with a tendency toward sculpture rather than drawing and painting,  That's another story.

For me, Dala Art is an extraordinary way to teach and learn ALL of the fundamentals of creating powerful art and mastering the necessary skills required to create satisfying art on all levels.  This is not to say that it is everyone's cup of tea to select and distort your vision of the world into a circular format. 

As I find myself currently immersed in developing the Creating Dala Art course I am feeling nudged by my experiences teaching my daughters. In 2020 I will launch  another online courses that duplicates the Creating Dala Art course, recreated for artists who are more passionate about expressing the world as they see it, not bending it into swirls of movement through space. The courses will be taught using the structure of cells as I used in my Family Treasures Series and the Object Series (Trumpet Parts and Glass Ink Wells).  

The video above gives you a glimpse of the Family Treasures and the Glass Inkwells using cells for design purposes. These were the first series of drawing I used while I was creating The Color Scheme Game.

The timing was perfect.  My siblings and I had to clean out the family home and the accumulation of fifty years of objects that triggered memories and stories in all four of us.  By my creating these drawings, we were able to dispose of the stuff that none of us really wanted to clutter our lives with and still not dispose of the images that triggered the stories and memories.  The bonus was that I reinforced my understanding of color and color schemes as I created these drawings.  

Here are a few more samples of the Family Treasure Series:



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