Art as a Connection

life as an artist travel sketching Apr 01, 2020

I awoke thinking about how fortunate I am to be an artist. It's through art that I've met so many wonderful people from all over the world. I love that I can create something unique to give to them, as a token of the bond we have. When I move on to another spot in the world, I leave a piece of my heart along with a piece of my art. What's so amazing is that rather than my heart becoming smaller when I leave these pieces behind, it grows larger. That's what it's like for me being an artist and seeing the world and the life around me through these eyes and the soul I'm blessed with. The above Dala is one of my favorites. It hangs on the wall of my dearest friends and kindred spirit. I might never have met Jill if it weren't for the opportunity we now have to connect through the internet. It was one of my blogs that connected the two of us. Had Jill not connected with me, I might never have discovered the beauty of the people and the land in Wales. Creativity has the ability to nurture us in a way nothing else can.

Here are just a few of the other pieces I've left in the care of friends along my journey as an artist:

 Maria playing live at a blues jam

Anne's Flowers in Swansea, Wales

Along Muddy Hole Road, Tyaskin, MD

(You can see the bugs still stuck in the oil paint ... very buggy on the Eastern Shore)

Standing Music Box, Cambridge, MD

Chapel Cottage Studio Shepherd Hut, Abergavenny, Wales

Completed Dala drawn into the Shepherd Hut Guest Book

There are so many more ... and so many more yet to come that I'll be leaving with friends and artists I haven't even met yet.  

This is why I continue to learn new skills and hone the skills I already have.

The connection of spirit to spirit, heart to heart, is what I love about life.


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