A Challenging Font
Mar 29, 2020
March 29, 2020
What a strange time this is. My daily routine has hardly changed at all ... one of the great positive aspects of being an artist and self-employed. While at the same time, the daily routine of most of the world has changed dramatically and will, I doubt, never return to what it was before the arrival of Coronavirus. Where others' work days are cut short or eliminated, mine has stretched way beyond my normal twelve hour work day. I'm working feverishly to create videos and classes to help people get through these times whether the challenge is being alone or the challenge is being with their children far more than they normally are.
As a result, I didn't have a chance to create my fonts in my perpetual journal prior to heading outside and sketching the botanical illustrations. At night, between video uploads, I added the fonts to the last week's page and this week's page.
I had little time in the garden last week, so I painted a simplified version of the iris leaves that had been covered in last autumn's leaves. I used just a few strokes of the brush without drawing them in first and added a dash of dirt at the bottom. That was it.
I thought, when deciding on a font to add, I would add a fancy font to balance the simple strokes of the leaves. The font turned out to be the most challenging yet. It took me hours to draw it in with pencil and longer than usual to carefully ink the letters.
What a joy when I arrived at the stage of adding color. The long break from working on the Color Wheel Mandala class (Part One is now published on Skillshare) was good for me. The satisfaction of having tackled the font and completing it has re-energized me.
Creating art is sooooo good for the soul!
My hope is that you will take pen and brush in hand every day to replenish your energy, observe the beauty in nature and renew your faith in the perfection of the universe. The last part is, perhaps, the most difficult.
Interested in free online demo videos? Visit my youtube channel.
Interested in taking one of my online art courses? I offer bite-sized classes on Skillshare and comprehensive classes on ExploreWithChrisCarter.com.
If you aren't already a premium member on Skillshare, please check it out. You receive a two month trial period totally free when you click on my link: Skillshare.com/chriscarterart
I'm creating most of the classes on Skillshare as bite-size classes within a series. Each series, as I complete it will be bundled together with additional lessons added to it to create a more comprehensive course here on ExploreWithChrisCarter.com for artists who truly want to learn new skills and master their current skills.
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