Tutorial and Adventure Videos on The Forum in Colour Mapping Community

colour mapping community colour mappng ink and watercolor Jan 06, 2023

January 6, 2023

Tutorial and Adventure Videos on The Forum

in the new Colour Mapping Community

I've added a page of videos to the Colour Mapping Community.  The link to the page may be found by clicking on "Resources" (Top of screen on laptops and bottom of screen on mobile phones).  Every week or two I'll add a new group of four videos to the page. The newest will be posted to the top of the page so you won't have to scroll down to see what's been added.  So far, I've posted twelve videos from my abundance of short videos that I think you'll enjoy.  The videos are on a variety of topics, all of which inform my own creative process.

Some of the videos are pretty ridiculous and others are dreadfully serious.  I haven't posted any of the dreadfully serious ones ... yet.

The video page is available to all members of the community.  If you haven't yet become a member and would like to do so, you may sign up for free here.

A little more than one week is left to create a colour map and complete the first Colour Map Challenge. Visit the community and click on the HOME button to access the challenge.

Two upcoming Live Demonstrations in New Jersey!

January 12, 2023 - Sussex County Art Society - Ink and Watercolor: Various Tools and Techniques

February 1, 2023 - Hunterdon Watercolor Society

Please contact me if you would like more information about the demonstrations. 

Up Next:

January 10th through the 15th I'll be squirreled away in the woods watching after two young children, their dad and two giant dogs. While the kids are at school and their dad is out building their new house (also deep in the woods) I'll be filling an accordion sketchbook with a series of sketches and colour mappings of the incredible doors that are absolutely everywhere in the forest hideaway.  I'll post the results when I recover from the week.

Thanks for reading my blog.



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