Rue de Dunkerque - Paris, France

drawing sketchbook travel sketching urban sketching Jul 14, 2018

July 12, 2018

With phone in hand, for still photos and video, as well as a GoPro secured in my chest harness, I climb out the window from my sixth-floor room at the hostel.  A towel serves as a cushion to ease the discomfort of sitting on the framing of the casement window.  Fortunately, my roommates aren't in the room. I'm able to concentrate on sketching, recording and making sure that my body and my equipment are secure on the windowsill.

July 13, 2018

Back on ground level, I'm sketching from the Marcel and Clémentine café on the corner of rue de Dunkerque and rue Gérondo.

One of the goals for my time in Paris is to work mostly in pencil.  For many years, I've sketched in ink and watercolor.  It's time to break the mold and challenge the brain to shift gears manually rather than come up with solutions on auto-pilot.  My brain wants to think in ink and translate into pencil.  I'm looking forward to the challenge.  Of course, I have my pens and watercolor with me to create fun dala art and flexagons.

Check out my Drawing Alternatives Level 1 Online Course!



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